Paul Tute’s date with Royalty

HRH Prince Andrew, The Duke of York, officially opened the Yorkshire Air Ambulance’s (YAA) N3-based control room in April after accepting an invitation to become Honorary Chief Pilot for the airbase.

During his visit Prince Andrew met the people involved in setting up the control room which included N3SP’s Paul Tute, and spent time with former patients.

Since being introduced last year, the computerised control room (otherwise known as the Dedicated Air Desk) has provided a link between all three Ambulance Trusts covering Yorkshire, cutting the activation time of the air ambulance from an average of eight minutes to just two minutes.

YAA operations manager Mike Lindley first approached N3SP North East Cluster Migration Project Manager Paul Tute last summer with a request to connect the airbase to N3 so that emergency calls coming into the area could be monitored. Paul was more than happy to help with the delivery of this ISDN/DSL connection, and took on the responsibility of managing Mike’s orders through to completion.

To ensure full utilisation of a new emergency call handling system, Paul’s team was also responsible for implementing N3 connections at a number of Ambulance Service Trust headquarters throughout Yorkshire and Teesside.

Having succeeded in getting the YAA online within six weeks Paul said:

“I’m delighted that the North East N3 migration team was not only able to provide a helping hand in connecting the YAA charity, but was also instrumental in getting a valuable lifeline and emergency service fully operational”.

Mike was equally pleased with the N3 team;

“After several set-backs, I was put in touch with Paul and after explaining the urgency of our predicament and that lives could be lost because of delays he and his team worked wonders”.

By providing a robust and reliable broadband link that allows for the easy exchange of electronic data between Ambulance Trusts across Yorkshire, N3 has played a fundamental role in cutting the time it takes to despatch the aircraft to emergency scenes.

Story courtesy of N3 NHS News

Paul Tute – Managing Director of Boomerang Consultancy – Specialists in PQQs, ITTs, Tender / Bid Writing, Tender Training

Boomerang Consultancy Ltd are proud supporters of Yorkshire Air Ambulance through the Business Support Network

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