MYTH BUSTER – Dispelling Local Authority Procurement Myth
Diane Nielsen Deputy Director at NEPO with Paul Tute MD of Boomerang Consultancy Ltd
Working together to bust tendering myths
A new document has been published aimed at helping businesses understand some of the myths around tendering for local authority contracts in the North East.
NEPO’s Stakeholder Board and Paul Tute from Boomerang Consultancy have developed the document in conjunction with Community Ventures Ltd (CVL), the North East Chamber of Commerce (NECC) and Durham County Council as part of the NEPO Stakeholder Board activities.
Paul says, “It is really important that businesses in the North East are encouraged to bid for public sector contracts and this document looks at some of the commonly-held misconceptions that exist in the North East.
“While public sector procurement is not perfect, great strides are being made in the North East to ensure that the issues faced by both procurement teams in local authorities and businesses tendering for contracts are well understood and challenged effectively.
This document pulls together my years of experience working on bids and tenders for clients, and combines it with the experience of others on the Stakeholder Board and NEPO to produce a piece of work that’s both informative but easy to read and access.”
Diane Nielsen, Deputy Director at NEPO, agrees, “By working together we have produced a document that looks at the myths around tendering from a number of different perspectives and provides this valuable information straight to businesses.”
The NEPO Stakeholder Board is aiming to address issues relating to public sector tenders that businesses struggle with. The Board, made up of representatives from the business community, NEPO and local authorities, as well as providing a challenge to public procurement practices in the North East, has also developed a range of initiatives to assist and encourage North East businesses to consider the public sector as a potential new market.
Boomerang Consultancy Limited specialise in responding to PQQs,Tenders, ITT, Bid writing, expressions of interest, post tender reviews, bid management, writing contract notices, managing the full procurement life-cycle and providing interim managers / project teams into public and private sector organisations. We also offer ISO Consultancy including ISO 9001 and 14001 as well as workshops on developing quality, environmental, Business Continuity, health and safety, CSR and equality and diversity policies